Monday, November 16, 2009

Its a Revolution!

There is a movement at hand. Black women are going back to their roots, literally! Some call it a revolution but what is revolutionary about allowing your hair to be the way it naturally is? Well what's revolutionary is not the act itself but the the mind change among black women that this "trend" indicates. Black women are once again learning to see and embrace the beauty of their natural textured hair. They are realizing that they do not have to be defined by it nor do they have to change it to make their appearance more "acceptable".The decision to "go natural" is not an easy one. I myself battled with the decision for quite some time before I finally decided to do it. After having a relaxer for so many years, you become used to it and you can't imagine your hair any other way. You think maybe your natural texture wouldn't suit you as well. You worry about the process of growing out the relaxer. Finally you wonder about the time and effort it will take to care for your natural hair as well as the styling options available. In future postings I will be adressing some of these questions. My goal is to help women who are treading the line between natural and relaxed hair to make a decision, especially those whose hair has reacted negatively to relaxers but who keep having it done bcause they think they have no other options. I have heard it said that "good hair" is healthy hair, so whether your hair is chemically relaxed or natural, the goal is to make sure you are doing all you can to maintain the health of your hair.


  1. I am one of those making my way back to my "roots", my natural roots that is. For me, I just got bored with the straight look and would like to see what else does my hair do. That is the beauty of our hair, we have so many options as to how we can to wear it!

  2. Keep it coming Shanelle!! I'm following you!!!
