Thursday, August 6, 2009

So I was on my way to work one morning when I saw a young African American girl - she could not have been more than ten years old - with a full head of weave! To make it worse it was a bad weave. I wonder if the mother of that young girl took a moment to think about the message she was sending her daughter when she sat her down and had that weave placed on her head. I wonder if she realized that she was indirectly telling her daughter that the hair that grew out of her head was for one reason or another unworthy of being seen . Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with women who wear extentions of any kind but this was not a woman that I was looking at. This was a little girl whose view of the world and, more importantly ,of herself was still being shaped at every moment. She needs to be taught that she is beautiful and complete as is, with out having to add or subtract anything that she was blessed with by her creator. At some later point in her life when she is fully confident of who she is and clear about the source of her worth, then she will be more than capable of making decisions about altering her appearance. Hopefully, at that time she will not be altering it because she feels her natural gifts aren't worthy of being seen, but because she thinks that its fun to switch things up from time to time and have fun with her appearance. After all we are girls, playing dress up is in our blood ; )


  1. I so agree. We are not our hair!
    -Kimberly/Mom in the City

  2. Excellent Blog Shanelle I commend you on a job well done. From the perspective of a woman who likes versatility I see no wrong in wanting as you say to "change things up a bit" but what I have found over the past few years is that there are a lot of reasonings behind altering your appearance. For me whenever I would add extentions to my hair it was more so for convenience. As life gets busy and circumstances eat away at your time one is left searching for shortcuts to our daily functioning. I am certain you can agree that grooming oneself before making our public appearances is quite time consuming. So with that said maybe the mother of this young 10 year old feels the same way... after all you did say the weave was a bad one and if she was indeed trying to alter her looks in the name of vanity failed.
